2nd Grade Program


Dear 2nd grade parents,

Hello! We are so excited to begin preparing your children for this year’s 2nd grade program: Famous Americans. We are looking forward to an awesome production. Please read this letter in full for all information regarding our program.

WHEN: Our program will be on February 11, 2020 @ 6:00pm. Please drop your child off in the North Amphitheater at 5:45pm. You will need to enter through the main office double doors at the front of the school.

WHERE: Our program will be held in the North Gym. There will be an art gallery of patriotic pieces as you make your way to the gym!

WHAT TO WEAR: Please have your children dress up as a historical figure in American history. If you would like, you may email either music teacher with some ideas. Patriotic colors (red, white and blue) are also acceptable. We want our students to have the full look of “Famous Americans!”

GOOGLE CLASSROOM: Your child has access to the 2nd Grade Music Google Classroom. The code is gpb8qr. Please have your child join this Google Classroom with their trussvillecityschools.org e-mail address. 

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact either music teacher and we will be happy to help in any way that we can. We are so excited for an awesome program with your kids!