Scholar's Bowl
Scholars Bowl is an academic team made up of 6th through 8th graders who compete in a Jeopardy-like game against other schools.
Matches consist of toss-up questions, bonus questions, and lightning rounds. Toss-ups test how quickly individual students can respond with the right answer. Bonus questions require teams to work together to agree upon the right answers to 4 questions, and lightning rounds ask teams to answer 20 related questions in 2 minutes.
Our team is in a local league, and we compete mainly in the Fall against public and private schools such as Moody, Springville, Odenville, and Pell City. In the spring, the team practices for a nationwide online competition. We also try to host a competition between scholars bowl and math team in scholars bowl format but ALL math questions. Practice slows down in the spring and is usually over in March.
Scholars Bowl is flexible and allows students to participate in other extracurricular activities as well.