Study Strategies and Test Taking Tips
12 Ways to Help Students Tackle Homework
1. Have him use an assignment notebook so he knows what homework is required each day.2. Introduce a planning calendar and show her how to use it when she begins to have long-term assignments.
3. Each day he should preview the assignments that he has to do and get the tough tasks out of the way first. He should write down the order in which he will do assignments.
4. Teach her to review her work frequently.
5. Get him an organizer, and show him how to use it so that he has a system for organizing all his school papers.
6. Create a regular schedule, allowing for adequate study and free time.
7. When possible, be available to answer questions. Try doing a problem or two together, then watch as the child tries the next one.
8. She should keep old quizzes and tests to prepare for future tests.
9. Eliminate distractions such as phone calls and television during homework time.
10. Establish a regular place for doing homework.
11. Review completed and graded assignments. Discuss errors to be sure your child understands the material.
12. Try to find a separate space for each of your children, or schedule quiet times for homework in designated spaces.